Our INTENSIVE FIRE and BERSERK! tournaments have attracted a gaggle of
international ASLers in the past and a significant number of Germans,
Danes and Swedes, together with smaller numbers of other nationalities,
have enriched our competitions over the years. Recently I had the
opportunity to return the complement by attending the ASL Scandinavian
Open in Copenhagen over the weekend of 3-5 April.
The tournament
was held in the Mekka Gaming Centre, close to the middle of the principle
tourist area in Copenhagen, and hosted various collectable card games
(burn the heretics!) and computer gainers over the weekend, in addition to
the ASL tournament. '[he competition itself was in the Swiss format with
play taking place in five rounds. The 'Elite' tournament had 26
participants while the parallel '1st line' tournament involved 6
Play commenced
rather later than anticipated on the Friday evening as the large Swedish
contingent had been delayed due to storms which cancelled a number of the
ferries from Malmo. However after everyone had dried-off gaming commenced
around 20.00 hrs and went on till about 01.30 hrs the next morning.
The Saturday'
morning round featured the PTO and the Nhpum Ga map from the '97 Annual
was much in evidence with either 'Al15 Blockbusters' or 'Al16 Tangled up
in Blue' being played on all bar one table. The second round on Saturday
involved three excellent scenarios 'A109 Scouts Out', SPI7 Cross of
Lorraine', and SPI5 Tabacchificio Fiocche'. My most memorable moment of
the weekend occurred during my game of 'Scouts Out' when, as the German, I
captured an abandoned and scrounged half-track on the last turn to give me
exactly the 23 CVP which I needed for a, what had seemed earlier, very
unlikely win.
By Sunday
morning we were into the home straight with only four undefeated players
remaining and by 13.00 we knew the final would be between Bjarne Hansen
and Mel Falk, both previous attendees at INTENSIVE FIRE. The two finalists
settled on 'A104 In Front of the Storm' for the decider with Bjarne
getting the German defender. The game was very close throughout with first
one side then the other having the advantage. As this was the final game
to be completed quite a crowd had gathered by 19.00 hrs to watch the
climax. For a while it looked as if the tenacious German defender would be
able to hold the bridge. However Mel persevered and managed to eliminate
the last German unit on the bridge with multiple breaks in the last turn
and then run a half squad across for the victory. You could tell from the
demeanour of the participants that it doesn't get much closer than this!
At the same time
Christian Stasiak was rapping up top place in the 1st line tournament with
a 5-0 record, while Rasmus Albrektsen took the runner up slot. By this
stage it only remained for the prizes to get handed out. First and second
in each tournament received an engraved cup and a copy of the latest View
From The Trenches. Jakob Norgaard won an original German Close Combat
trophy for accumulating the largest net number of close combat CVPs.
Patrik Ilyvarinen received a dice cup as compensation for rolling the
largest number of boxcars, while Bjarne Hansen received the snake eyes
prize, a new set of dice, weighted to roll lots of 6's!
Many thanks to
Mikael Siemsen and Michael Hastrup-Leth for organising the tournament and
ensuring it ran smoothly'. I had a great time over the weekend and enjoved
meeting new players and renewing acquaintances from previous years
INTENSIVE FIRE's. If you can sell the wife/significant other the idea of a
long weekend in Copenhagen next April make sure it coincides with the ASL
Scandinavian Open. You won't regret it.