When & Where


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When & Where?

So when and where does the ASL Scandinavian Open 2009 take place?

The dates for ASO 2009 are friday 20th february at 1300 hrs. to sunday 22nd february at 1600 hrs.

The tournament is held at the same site as last year: The Danish National Arms Museum (Tøjhusmuseet), which is located in the centre of Copenhagen. Tournament participants are expected to register at the tournament site no later than 1330 on friday february 22nd.


Tournament site opens  Friday 1300
Player registration:  Friday 1300 - 1330
Round one:  Friday 1400 - 1830
Round two:  Friday 1900 - 2400
Round three:  Saturday 0830 - 1530
Round four:  Saturday 1600 - 2400
Round five:  Sunday 0830 - 1500
Results & prizes  Sunday 1530 - 1600
Tournament Ends  Sunday 1600

Museum adress:

Tøjhusmuseet (Danish National Arms Museum)
Frederiksholms Kanal 29
1220 Copenhagen K.

You can see the location of  the museum on the map of Copenhagen, along with basic tourist information.