Round 2 - J60 Bad Luck
Second round on Friday was with Hans Bugge (Norway), who got the
Germans this time. Having played it before as the US I did a
"chicken" defense this time, putting all AFV's on the ground
instead of on the Hills. Hans entered a bit to carefully with only a part
of his forces. I maneouvered a little to impair his movements. His
infantry had a hard time comming forward, so it evolved into a bit of AFV
duelling. One of the PzIV's malfunctioned its MA, took three hits from the
Sherman without blinking, repaired the MA and killed the offending
Sherman! Ugh. Also the German 81mm MTR scored a CH versus the 346/60mm MTR
I had in a FH on the hill.
In the end there was a tight know of AFV's on the border between the
hill and the woods. I drove the (76)W Sherman through woods into the rear
of the Panther, but missed. Two Bazooka squads moved in but missed the
second PzIV, one X'ed away. In his turn he killed my AFV's but my BAZ got
him and the CVP cap was exceeded. Even so it was probably to late to get
enough CVP on the US board. 1-1
Round 3 - J46: Strongpoint 11
In the PTO round Kenneth Knudsen (Denmark) and I selected this one.
Again with no balance and Kenneth wanting and getting the Dutch (he had
only little PTO experience). Kenneth went for a "stand and hold"
defence with his three forward green 437's, who promply were all consumed
in the CC's. The IJA could plow forward rather quickly since all the Dutch
DR's really sucked, and was on top of the bunkers to clean them out early.
The only IJA loss being a HS which was killed of by a wounded 7-0 in CC!
Round 4 - SP76: Flaming of the guard
A meatier scenario featuring 5 panthers and enough British firepower to
keep 'em humble. I bid G0 to play the Germans having played this once as
British, and Bjarne Hansen (Denmark) agreed by bidding B3! This meant a
9-1AL, a 467 turned into a 468 and 468's being assault engineers. Then
when the setup was finished all but 5 or so units where setup in the big
stone building (49D8) in the middle closest to me entry area I was really
wondering what was going on. Bjarne is one of the Danish top players so it
smelled like a trap. The german entered with 2.5 squads from the right,
0.5 with a PzV from the left edges to scout for the AT guns along the
road. The AT guns where also in the 49D8 building, but the Germans didn't
know that just yet. The buld of the infantry entered over the Orchard hill
in the middle, and the two FT carrying 248's + a Squad or two opposite
49D8. The first turn was uneventfull except for that a PzV in HD on the
Orchard hill was taken out on the first shot by a Sherman in that
building. A different PzV was stacked with the 10-2, 468/MMG at the end of
the Orchard hill and aquired a ?(5/8") in the woods (there were in
LOS). Remember these guys! They carried the game eventually for me. Well,
it becoma obvious that all units were setup in 49D8 so I moved in all PzV
except the aforementioned on in out of LOS positions I thought, or at
least where he had change TCA to hit. Out comes the AT's and immobs a PzV.
The second PzV enters the stone building to freeze the AT gun, survives
all and is parked PBF behind a Sherman VC. It changes TCA and kills it at
the second attempt. The end result is two dead panthers and one
immobilized. My single surviving PzV killed the carrier and the Sherman V
in the woods. These contributed a lot of Smoke since a small breeze had
started. Still having only one PzV on turn two was not encouring. Through
maneouvering a PSK finally hit the Sherman VC closest to the orchard hill
when it was trying to get away (at two hexes with TEM). More smoke! The
immobilized Panther took four more hits from the AT, but the crew passed
their NTC each time. It then killed a Sherman VC as it backed out of the
stone building, hitting it through two smokes. It then died at the hands
of the AT. Bjarne has a killer stack made by the 9-2 + squads with LMG's
whom he use to clean up around the building. On turn 3 he still has most
of his infantry and the killer stack at the front. I manage to move in a
468 which takes some DFF and places Smoke grenades on it. I rush in with
all my infantry, including the 10-2 who now is moving with squads having
transferred the MMG to a crew, they take the DFF by the killer stack and
survives. I make a small error and do not move a squad up around the
flank, so when the cx 10-2 and stack breaks the complete 9-2 killer stack
Bjarne can rout them far away over the road into a wooden building. The
other units he leaves in the building. On turn four I move close but
cannot reach the 9-2 which doesn't rally, but looses the DM. My solo PzV
hits and breaks a reinforcing leader, again through too smoke hexes. On my
final turn he still have 17 CVP in buildings adjacent to the road. He
rallies all his broken units so all 17 CVP count. Due to the smoke only
squad can reach the 9-2 stack and survives adjacent to it, unpinned. In
the main building the end result of my maneouvering is that I have three
close combats involving 8 CVP, e.g. I must win all. The first is with mr.
10-2, who ambushes and kills of his part at 3-1. I skip the next CC which
is also at 3:1 with a concealed unit for -2 at ambush and resolves a CC
versus a lone crew. And agony not only am I ambushed and it can withdraw
to a hex adjacent to the road, but it did *not* count before that! I
didn't see the "hexes" in the VC... Middle night mistake or
whatever. Doh. We didn't resolve the last CC. This was the best game for
the weekend for me. Bjarne didn't do any mistakes and the Germans had to
perform to their limit. 2-2
Round 5 - SP47: The Last Tiger
The last round gave Shaun Carter (england) whom I also played at ASLOK
last year. We both bid R0 for the Russian in this and a random selection
gave Shaun them. I set up the Rhino and 75L HT on the second level hill on
the right, both looking to forward left flank. The SPW 251 was one the
second level hill imediately to the left of the village. The Tiger was HIP
in the middle looking forward. Shaun entered will all his units on the far
left. Lots of riders and moving fast there. I had some units as speed
bumpers, but achieved little with them. In his MPh the 75L HT changed VCA
and found a tricky LOS killing a T-34/85. I my turn a did little but
breaking a squad through two PF checks. His move in 2nd turn.
A JS-2 previously out of LOS starts and moves into the LOS of the
Rhino, which changes VCA rolling 3 for TH and one 88LL round later the
JS-2 is scrapped. The russians move on, but I can fall back orderly. He
get his reinforcing JS-2 and enters behind the Nashorn. He misses his BFF.
I miss my DFph shot, but hits it twice in the PFPh first shocking it and
then killing it with the IF shot. The Russians also loose the ISU152 to
the PF from a hill squad. He moves on the hill after killing the squad,
but the Nashorn turns again killing one AFV and the next one is killed
with a PSK shot from the village below. It was really hard to see how
enough russian infantry would be able to enter village at this point so
Shaun conceded. A fun scenario even if I was lucky with Rhino man. 3-2
Finally, many thanks to Michael Hastrup-Leth and the others making this
tournament so great and fun to attend!