Round 1:
EastFront,a Russian counterattack southeast of Tula, 14 December 1941 (opponent Luis Calada). -Luis sets up as the German defender, the Russian attack is then conducted
8xSquads,3xLMGs,Commissar advance as rapidly as possible on the right flank
(woods-area,board 17) and recieves some small arms fire
but under the fear of the Commissar they all takes it.
On my left flank 2xSquads,7-0 leader move towards the hedge, the T-34s speeds forward in the deep snow (one BOGS in the first hex it enters) no response from his 3xAT Guns(50L) that are hidden, makes me think that
they must be further back.
The tanks starts to blast at any suspected enemy positions.
The Commissar flank continue their advance through the woods and a T-34 are sent to support them on the right side of the woods some infantry are
killed when a HMG opens fire from the middle of the village directed by a German officer and several others breaks due to the close range small
arms fire in the woods, the commissar deals with it by using harsh
methods(he pump some bullets into some cowards)and push them on , then a small group of Russians are killed in CC. The Germans themselves are suffering ill-afforded losses, suddenly a German
AT-Gun reveals itself as it starts to blast at pointblank range ,and in a
spur of a moment two Russian groups have been obliterated, shortly therafter
the AT-Gun crew and the remaining German infantry in the woods are
eliminated but the threat from the HMG(17U5) keeps my troops at bay. On my left flank the 2xSquads and another squad that has been sent over to
secure the buildings , make a slow progress since the resistance from some
enemy infantry makes a stand but are later broken by the tanks in the area,
one T-34 is sent forward to deal with the HMG-nest but is eliminated by a
hidden Gun in some woods(17V0) with a rear hit and bore sighted location,
then 3xtanks starts to take the HMG building
under constant fire (and soon there are 3x-2 Aq. Counters) the German
officer breaks and is later killed by the Russian Sniper as he tries to
crawl towards the empty building(17W3) and soon the German Squad routs out
of the building also but the MG-gunner Leyser (1-4-9) stands firm despite
the massive firepower from the T-34s.
The third AT-Gun are located in hex V10 his assignment are to stop any
possible Russian breakthrough(exit).
Suddenly the HE-ammo. of all three T-34s are gone and there barrels goes
silent, even though one starts to fire again but its obviously only
AP-rounds since it renders no effect, and with a fanatical laughter Leyser
slaughters another Russian group that tries to engage him in CC. Encouraged
by the laughter sounded to AT-Gun crew(17VO) they fire on the enemy soldiers
that tries to reach the large building(17W3)and eliminates one Squad and
breaks another but after that they run out of ammo. and only a squad with
the Commissar reach the building , the crew runs towards them in a try to
stop them but fails,shortly after the Hero is overruned by a T-34 that smash
into the woodenbuilding and the 7-0 leader and a squad quickly enters
through the former wall and engage Leyser in CC and the combined effort from
the Infantry and the CMG from the T-34 eliminates him.
And the saying is true,the only true hero is a dead hero.
Thanks to Luis for a exciting game .
Round 2:
WestFront,near Husum, Germany 8 April 1945
opponent Derek Ward "HUSUM HOTFOOT"
-To make a long story short , Derek seta up as the German defender. then I attack as the British , and in my first player turn I practically eliminates 2 1/2 Squads,one MMG,a PSK and breaks one of his leaders with no
losses to my troops in fact no losses in the whole scenario
not even a stun result (my Sniper is eliminated).
For awhile Derek only plays on to see if he can hurt my troops, he throw in two squad vs one squad of mine end result two dead German squad the German Crew attack one of my Wasp in CC end result dead German CREW
Dereks DR 8,9,10,11,12 Mels DR 6,5,4,3,2
Repeat the above for six player turns ,at the start of Game Turn 4 no German defence are left. Sorry Derek , ITS JUST NOT CRICKET. I read the beginning of the aftermath -no one of the (British) wanted to be
the last casualty with the end so near - and I cannot help to crack a little smile.
Round 3:
WestFront, a French attack, at the bridge at Aessan,
France 10 May 1940 opponent Toby Pilling "IN FRONT OF THE STORM" -I set Up as the German defender and organize my defence around the bridge ,
the important AT-Gun is positioned in front of the bridge, the foxholes are in both ends of the bridge, the roadblock is in hex 42I1-I2 The French attack is then executed with one group moving through the woods
and another group moves in around the hill-area, the French tanks take up positions in front of the woods. The Germans are quickly hardpressed in the two buildings(I3,J3) by the well cordinated French attack, and they slowly starts to fall back towards
the bridge, suddenly the French tanks approach them, Hedderich led a group of soldiers into the orchard where one tank stands (K3)and
tries to take it out, but the tank had only had its engine idle running and moves off before the handgrenade explodes, Hedderich now makes an error
and moves back to the woods where he is immediately cut down by wellaimed
enemy fire from the orchardclad hill(O2).
The German morale are reduced due to the loss of their beloved commander but they are still determined to fight on . The French works their way towards the bridge and reduce one German
strongpoit after another.
The French tanks surge forward and discovers the AT-gun at the bridge one tank stops behind the roadblock and is almost immediately shocked by a
couple of wellplaced rounds in the turret, but with a small string of
noseblood the French tank commander fights on.
The AT-Gun Crew breaks under the relentless hail of fire put out by the ELAN
French Soldiers ,the tanks start to bypass the roadblock through the
woods(H1) some AP-mines explodes but do no harm then they approach the
bridge and the only opposition left is a heroic German Officer that is
overrunned and subsequently killed.
Thanks to Toby Pilling for a tense game.
Round 4:
French Indochina(Vietnam),a Japanese attack vs the Hanoi Citadel 10 March 1945 opponent Rene Yssing Rasmussen "ULTIMATE TREACHERY" -As the French, I set up 3xSquads in the Rowhouseblock and another 3xSquads
in the Large wooden building block and the 7-0 leader, the rest of my force
seta up in the Largest block of buildings (HMG,8-1).
The tankette sets up in hex 21BB0.
The Japanese attack starts with a longburst of machineguns firing that makes
my leader and one squad to panic, the HMG-squad is supressd. Then the Japanese infantry advance towards the wall(hexrow V)taking a safe
approach, but along the east edge he comes charging with nost of his troops
and two Japanese Squad are in a nasty and reckless mode and comes smashing
through windows and doors (Berserks) and the Japanese losses are acceptable,
the French that aint bayoneted, comes screaming with fear in their hearts to
the rear of that block, a few defenders left in the block stalls the attack
but goes down shortly thereafter.
The Largest block is also approached from the east in a mad rush but this
time the French defenders with the help from the tankette give them
substantial losses in this area, but one Japanese Squad manage to get into
CC with the French Soldiers(CC8) that are killed by the skillfull H-to-H
combatents, the other French soldiers nearby fires at pointblank at them but
the only result is that they start to yell abuses
and obscenities back at them(HoB,Berserk), and they doesent notice how
another French squad enters their building and kills them with their mouths
still filled with dirty words and eventually blood.
The attack vs the Large wooden building block is in progress and is finally
cleared with the help of Japanese fire from the Rowhouse block. The French HMG have gone silent and a heavy tropical rain storm have started
, the French tankette have moved forward(BB4) but a Japanese tank-hunter
advance towards it and singlehandely blow it to pieces with a
Then the last assault is attemted against the Large block and a Japanese squad manage to cross the wet street and engage a small group of French
Soildiers in H-to-H CC, but the Frenc succeeds against all odds to survive
and kill the intruders.
-The game ended with 44 locations taken by the Japanese and they needed 45
to win, they also suffered 19 CVP but could only withstand 18 CVP,
Conclusion: It could easily have been the other way around.
Thanks to Rene for a Bayonet-Crazed game.
Round 5:
EastFront, a German attack, Olchovatka 28 February 1943
opponent Hans Bugge "SUDDEN FURY (LSSAH #18)"
Hans set up as the Russian defender, there are several option how to attack
in this scenario, but reports from my scouts tells me that there are Russian
defenders in the woods-area near the gully and besides that there are also
snowdrifts in the gully, that decides it, the KampfGruppe is ordered to
attack on my left flank at top speed, they recieves some ATR-fire but it
misses or their hits bounces of my armour,
an AT-Gun opens fire but misses and is immediately engaged in CC by a
recently bailed out squad that kills them.
A T-34 opens fire from the village but doesent hit due to poor gunnery (high DRs). The other T-34(is located in the woods south of the village) reveals itself when it tries to kill a Pz III at point-blank range but
misses, immediately the Pz III starts up and speeds out of LOS, the
commander tells the other over the radio about this new threat, two other Pz
IIIs response quickly and one of them blast the T-34 with a well-aimed APCR
round within 200 meters.
The T-34 in the village knocks out a Pz II that tries to pass by its
position , suddenly a German sniper kills a Russian leader with a single
A Russian HMG opens fire and prevent some enemy infantry to reach the
village, a quick smokescreen aids them in reaching it.
3x Pz IIs are immediately sent towards the HMG-nest, one are immobilized by
russian infantry that jumps it in street fighting
the other two manage to netrualize the HMG. In the meantime 3x Pz IIIs and
the Pz IV engage the T-34 in the Village, an APCR round within 100m knocks it out, and suddenly white flags can be seen from enemy buildings The German commander shouts "nicht scheisse", and the German soldier starts
to Mop-Up the village and the words "hände hoch" and "davai,davai" are
spread throughout the village.
Thanks to Hans for the game and better luck next time
Non-Tournament scenario:
EastFront, Velizavetinsky 31 July 1943
opponent Andreas Hinz "THE MIUS TRAP" I always seems to manage to squeeze in one or two extra scenarios outside of
the tournament, each year.
we picked the scenario, rolled for sides I got the Russians I organized a defence on the the large hill(board 11) the smaller hill was abandoned and if an opportunity presented itself my reserves would attack any weak
German presence here , otherwise they should strengthen the defence on the
large hill.
The German attacked towards the large hillmass under the cover from a
MG-group that surpressed the Russian Infantry that could oppose some of his
troops from reaching the edge of the hill.
A small German group entered the abandoned small hill.
When the SturmGeschutze IIIG with riders arrived , 3 of them were going to
the small hill to reinforce the position there, and to engage targets at
long range on the opposite hill.
The fourth StuG IIIG is sent to support the Gerrman attack there that have
managed to gain a foothold in the woods(on the hill) .
The Russian reserves have attained information that a superior enemy force
occupies the small hill and no attempts will ever be made to take it back,
instead the 4xT-70s with riders supports the ongoing battle in and around
the woods and soon thereafter the 3xT-34s with riders arrives,one are sent
to support the T-70s vs the StuG IIIG that stands behind the woods(C3), the
other two are sent into the area that seperates the two hillmasses apart
back in the woods area the StuG IIIG
destroys two T-70s before it is destroyed, another T-70 are destroyed by
longrange fire from the other hill.
The German Infantry in the woods have eliminated the enemy there but the
FoxH.and the building are defended by 2x Russian squads and one T-34 and the last T-70,that is shortly thereafter jumped by an enemy Assault
Engineer Squad but the Russian crew empties their revolvers through the
vision slits (A11.621) and kills and wounds half of the group but they are
determined and approach the tank again, the crew aims and empties their
revolvers again at the exposed bodies.
THe nearby T-34 blast away at a large group of enemy infantry that tries to reach the building and fails in the meantime the German StuG IIIG starts
up and moves forward to engage the two T-34 that occupies the area between
the two hillmasses in the gun duel that follows the Russian T-34s are blown
to pieces by the superior gunnery of German Panzer that suffers no losses
the German Infantry follow-up the attack and tries to reach the building(O7)
but the Russian Infantry in the area stops them all except for a
battlehardened (2-4-8) unit but suddenly a longrange burst from the Russian
squad in the other building
(I6) stops him just outside the building (a 2FP straight attack)
Thanks to Andreas for a fun game
Round 6:
EastFront, a German attack, Skvoritsy 21 January 1944
opponent Derek Tocher "FANGS OF THE TIGER"
-As the Russian defender, I disperse my 5xT-43s and the infantry(4xsq.) throughout the village. The 4x Tigers with riders approach the village on my
left flank and unloads the infantry that advance forward, one Tiger are
engaged by a T-43 that aims at its tracks, the Tiger returns the fire but
misses(U3-Z2). A Russian StalingradŽ-veteran assault forward trying to
thwarth the German infantry approach, he recieves some fire but no effect
can be gained, then he fires back with several small burst from their SMGs
the German squad breaks(X3-Y3), a daring Ruskie soldier throws a Demo.
Charge towards the enemy builing, a tremendous explosion makes the whole
area to shake, the enemy building is about to crumble but miracoluesly it is
still standing, a couple of German soldiers are killed by the
wooden-splinters that fills their room , a terrible scream can be heard when
it is instead the Russian building that collapses they are all buried under
the rubble, most of them are killed instantly but some are still alive and
their moan of pain can later be heard by the Germans as they pass the heap
of rubble.
In the meantime the Tiger vs T-43 duel is resolved the Tiger hits the tank
but doesent penetrate its thick armour, the surprised tiger commander
realizes that the suspected similar-looking T-34 is actually a different and
heavier armoured T-34(the ASL is T-43)that he has heard about, the next
shoot is a well-aimed hit at the turret ring and it explodes and burns(CH).
Then he informs the other over the radio about the weak spot to aim at and
the experienced tank crews listen to his instructions. The next T-43 is
spotted by another Tiger, the T-43 fires first and achieves a Critical Hit
but to its amazement it was stupid enough to have fired a HE-round and the
Tiger returns the favour with a Critical hit of it own, the T-43 explodes
and burns.
The third T-43 have been pointed out to the Tigers by the escorting infantry
and the first hit destroys it at once, the fourth T-43 is blasting a whole
enemy group of infantry to unrecognisation, then some berserk enemy infantry
charge it also but are cut down by MG fire,
A Tiger is sent forward to deal with the troublesome T-43 and dispatch it
with a new wellaimed round(CH)that burns it.
The Fifth T-43 have no longer any radio contact with the others and assumes
that its former comrades are dead, the evedience can also be seen in the
smokefilled sky, it tries to avoid the German Panzer and hides behind some
buildings(R10), but is instead hunted down by the German infantry that
obliterates it with a panzerfaust.
Two Tigers spot two enemy tanks that are racing towards the bridge they fire
a few rounds but misses then they disappears over the bridge behind some
buildings, in the meantime the Russian infantry from the bridge area have
moved forward, the Russian leader and a squad tries to jump a Tiger in CC
but the Squad freezes while the leader continues towards it only to be
disintegrated by the Nahverteidigunswaffe.
The four Tigers(two with a Malf.Gun)now speeds forward and realize that no
infantry escort will follow them, the German infantry are instead traversing
the frozen stream under constant russian small arms fire but they still
manage to break through.
Three Russian groups of infantry engage 3x Tigers in CC and one of them
succeeds in eliminating its designated Tiger, the 3x remaining Panzers moves
forward toward the large building(F8) at the bridge, the Lee tank starts up in response and pop! some smoke with its smoke dispenser, the only
Tiger left with a functioning MA fires at the Lee tank but the round glances
off its armour, the AT-Gun opens fire when a flank shoot oppertunity
presented itself but it hits the protective wall instead,
the Lee tank speeds off but stops after 100 meters and engage one Tiger With its two barrels the 37mmLL Gun achieves a critical hit and the Tiger(MA
malf.) is eliminated, then it starts up and end its move in front of the
bridge. The two Tigers left,charge forward and the first(MA malf.)is
immobilized by the AT-Gun, the other turns around the roadbend and discovers
the Lee tank in front of the bridge (F5) and also notice a T-43 behind the
hedge(G6) guarding the bridge, the Lee tank immediately starts up in motion
and at the same time its 75mmGun fires,miss, intensive fire,miss the 37mmLL
Gun fires,miss intensive fire DR 2 subsequent dr 1 - one chance in 216 that
it would have gain a CH and it does -THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A
Thanks to Derek for a very memorable game.