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ASORS - How the math works...

The theory behind the rating system is, that a more skilled player (high rating) has a higher probability of winning, when playing against a less skilled player (lower rating). The specific probability of winning is calculated using the formula below:

We is the specific win-expectancy (probability), R1 is the players current rating, and R2 the opponents current rating.

This probability is used to re-calculate each players rating after a match, using the following formula:

Rn is the players new rating, Rp is the players previous rating, W is a variable to factor in the result of the match (1 = win, 0,5 = draw, 0 = loss), We is the specific win-expectancy, and K is a value based on the players previous rating (Rp).

Rating K-value
0 – 1799,999… 40
1800 – 1999,999… 30
2000 – 2199,999… 20
